Correct answer is Required school children to learn one or two other languages besides their native language.
The only correct answer is the last option as on schools across Europe besides their Native language children are using additional language(s). It is usually English outside the country where English is first language and depends on geographical location.
All other options are not correct as they are depriving people from their basic human rights, which the laws of EU are not allowing.
The answer is true. The turks are decendants of herders from South america.
What’s the question, I don’t understand that, sorry.
Brackish water is water that has some salt/sea water, but is mostly fresh.
Freud initiated the debate on the unconscious mind and forces shaping motivation and behavior. Eros and Thanatos egage in conflict shaping personality.
Skinner contributed to Behavioral Theory of personality
Skinner draws on the theory of the time, to find that learning and personality development is mostly influenced by the environment and the positive and negative interactions as a source of reinforcement.
For Skinner what happens in this negative or positive interactions is crucial to someone gaining self-confidence or developing misbehavior.
Freud would rather focus on the process lying in the past, to see how personality formed as a patient first came in contact with the mother.
The psychoanalysis view became mainstream for interpreting conflicts in adults who are unable to recognize or remember experiences deeply rooted in their minds and that still have effects for their mental health
According to Freud the human mind: the id, ego, and superego formed as series of childhood stages in which the pleasure- drive and the destructive drive oppose.
According to the principles of classical and operant conditioning, the environment then determines behavior, Skinner would argue.
People have developed certain patterns since they have shaped response tendencies over repeated stimulus.
Skinner view on personality can apply to learning settings, like classrooms where young adolescents are encouraged positive and unwanted behaviors .