Answer: The CDM process is Consumer Decision Making Process.
For CDM has five steps that people follow to make the decisions there are when a need is recognized, search process is done, a comparison between needs or products, a product or service selection, and an evaluation of decision.
There are some factors that can affect this process such as economic reasons, personal actors and social factors too.
Lobbying and campaigning may help social workers promote for our customers' well enough by persuading legislators. Lobby groups, such as social services, are used by legislators and senior officials to educate them about gaps in policies and their efficacy.
Because they are educated about their areas, social professionals make ideal democratic campaigns. They are aware of social issues and are dedicated to achieving social equality. They are aware of the impact of policies on persons and regions
The Americans built the Panama Canal second. The first ones to do it were the French, but they did not finish the canal because of engineering problems and a high mortality rate because of diseases. They succeeded because the Panama Canal now makes the route between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans much quicker, faster and convenient than if boats had to travel around the tip of South America. This allowed more places to be included in the world economy.
A wider range of sexual practices
The major difference between the bonobos and the chimpanzees are that while the chimpanzees are ruled by men who are occasionally violent, the bonobos are matriarchal.
As a result of this, the bonobos engage in a wider range of sexual practises and playful behaviours among themselves.