I think the answer would be all of them
Are there any answer choices?
Answer: he was named from for the 12,000-bushel grained storage building that was once next door, the historic burying ground has approximate 2,300 markers.
The correct answer is C
control foreign trade
Foreign trade control is an example of a shared power because it is shared between the legislative and the executive. For the USA to enter into any agreement with foreign entities, the agreements must be ratified by congress.
All motown acts were subjected to "charm school" to help singers develop proper etiquette of performing on stage, presenting themselves in front of the public and how to talk to the media.
Many of these singers came from poor backgrounds and had a rough upbringing. For example, the Jackson 5 did not know much about city life, business or popular music in general.
They had to be taught the 'social graces' which many of their audiences expected from them and loved them for.
There were certain things they had to wear, certain things they could not say and certain mannerism they had to adopt to project a popular and likeable image.