Destruction of coral reefs would cause an imbalance in the ecosystem. Some species could be driven to extinction.
Coral reefs are the base of the most diverse marine ecosystem in the world. They are often referred to as the ‘rainforest’ of the oceans and seas. They provide shelter for cnidarians, sponges, crustaceans, and etcetera and provide hiding grounds from predators.
<span>Error bars within treatments illustrate confidence intervals, standard errors, standard deviations or other quantities. However, different types of error bars exist, so figure legends must be sure to distinguish which error bar is being represented. </span>
Human development is a slow and gradual process. There seems to be slow and gradual change that becomes abrupt change. The mind has many connections and works according to past habits. A person who seeks to improve themselves will gradually change specific areas within their life. After a while there is a cascade effect that causes linked areas to be altered. Skills and methods that required practice and habit forming transition to being a natural part of life. When the personality suddenly changes, I use the term evolution. Whenever one occurs, the person will probably see their past self as problematic.
1. Green beetles and red beetles exist in the environment.
2. Birds that eat the beetles move into the environment.
3. Red beetles are eaten by birds, but green beetles aren’t eaten.
4. Green beetles pass on their color trait to future offspring.
5. The entire population of beetles eventually becomes green in color.
According to the theory of natural selection, only those species survives which fits closely with their environment. According to the conditions given, there are two genetic variations of the same species based on the color, i.e. green and red. Initially, both red and green are living together in a grassland (green in color). Then, birds enter the same environment because they have food there (beetles). Now, green beetles will take a competitive advantage because of the color and avoid getting eaten by the birds. However, red beetles would be prominent and eaten fast. The green beetles will pass on their genetic variation causing the color to be green in their future offspring and a time will come when there will be on green beetles in the area.