Theory X is referred from McGregor's theory of motivation. Through this theory we can well describe the concept of Shandra's management style which explains the method of employees developing their self-interest beyond the limit of the highest level of capability.
The basic task of employees is clearly explained in all company policies. The policies describe the duty and responsibilities of each employee to contribute their valid services for paying compensation. But the employees need to fully realize their full potentiality and try to develop their duty consciousness by sharpening their working skills.
The working style of Shandra's propagates the best idea of utilizing the skills with utmost intelligence by transforming the act of employees from laziness to active operation of work. It is also well mentioned in the HR policies relating to a general system of organizational behavior.
<em>Class </em>mobility.
<u>Class mobility </u>is a type of social mobility when representatives of a lower-class move to the higher class. It can occur as a result of changes in both classes.
In the given example it occurs both because of the fact that families in the higher class have fewer children and because some offsprings from a lower-class families are hardworking. The tendency that higher-class couples tend to have fewer children leads to the more available spaces in the entry-level labor force, which in turn creates more real opportunities for children from lower-class families. This in is itself becomes an extra motivator to work harder.
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B, have been stagnant in their numbers.
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