'Earls and barons are not to be fined except by their peers, and only in accordance with the nature of the offence'.
Clause 22: Nullus clericus amercietur de laico tenemento suo, nisi secundum modum aliorum praedictorum, et non secundum quantitatem beneficii sui ecclesiastici.
'No clergyman is to be fined on his lay tenement, except in accordance with the nature of his offence, in the way of others mentioned in previously, and not in accordance with the size of his ecclesiastical benefice'.
Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans
The answer is<u> "a. a separate part of a city dedicated largely to one group".</u>
An enclave is a region inside a nation or a city where individuals live who have an alternate nationality or culture from the general population living in the encompassing nation or city.
Enclaves might be made for an assortment of authentic, political or land reasons. A few zones have been left as enclaves basically on the grounds that a waterway changed its course.
Since living in an enclave can be extremely badly arranged and numerous understandings must be found by the two nations over mail addresses, control supply or section rights, enclaves have a tendency to be disposed of and numerous cases that existed before have presently been evacuated. Now and again the case, enclaves are exchanged for each other.
c) reading, math, writing, and language use skills
There were four powers that have won the WW2: the French, British, US and Russia - they had the power to occupy Germany and Austria after the war and decide about the conditions of the surrender of Germany and Japan.
With time, the four powers stopped working well together, and it became apparent that the first three had significant differences from Russia with respect to how the map of Europe should look like. Specifically, Russia wanted more control over the countries that bordered it. With time the differences grew bigger and Russia decided to exercise bigger control over the lands in the east, effectively establishing the "Iron curtain"