Maria and Jeff collect data on the number of cars that pass through an intersection every Monday morning for 2 months. They reco
rd the findings as 78, 158, 63, 71, 56, 67, 75, and 64. They each use different methods to summarize the typical number of cars that pass through the intersection at the specified time and compare their findings. Jeff says that, on average, 79 cars pass through the intersection each Monday morning. Maria disagrees and says that the mean should not be used and uses the median instead to describe the typical number of cars that passes through the intersection on any given Monday morning. A) What is the median value of the data?
You know that’s tuff that’s really tuff that’s literal overdose in words just like I would answer it if you can make it into an equation instead of a word problem
56, 63, 64, 67, 71, 75, 78, 79, 158 (putting numbers in least to greatest makes this easier) so what you would do to find the median is remove the first and last number until you have one number remaining. Therefore the answer should be 71