Depends on what’s ur definition of bad
'Typically, the psychiatrist will wait about 5-15 days to see if a specific anti-manic medication is working before considering another.
Both psychologists and psychiatrists can provide psychotherapy. However, most psychiatrists treat their patients primarily by prescribing drugs, whereas psychologists rely primarily on talking and behavioral therapy.
Psychiatrists assess, diagnose, and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor and may order or perform various medical and/or psychological tests.
A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (M.D. or D.O.) who specializes in mental health, including substance use disorders. Psychiatrists are qualified to assess both the psychological and physical aspects of mental health problems.
Learn more about Psychiatrists
Because having multiple people introduce the same bill or law is no necessary it takes the mind set of both the house and senate and plus they have many rules within both chambers of congress therefore they have to follow the rules that each member of that chamber voted on to put into place and they also have to follow the state and governmental laws as well