The main artery from the heart (aorta) becomes thicker, stiffer, and less flexible. This is probably related to changes in the connective tissue of the blood vessel wall. This makes the blood pressure higher and makes the heart work harder, which may lead to thickening of the heart muscle (hypertrophy).
1) vacuole= ur school canteen (if u hve one)
2) chloroplast = ur science teachers
3) lysosomes= ur MATH TEACHER!!!!!!!!! lol
5)Golgi body = ur school bus
6) cell wall= guards at ur school
<span>Wasting away of muscle is called atrophy. Atrophy can occur with genetic mutations, and it can also occur when you don’t use the muscle for a while. One environmental cause would be if you become paralyzed and can’t use a muscle. Other factors would be lack of exercise and not eating a healthy diet.</span>