The analyst
is determining the direction of the public opinion. By understanding the direction
of the public opinion, an analyst will find which position does the majority of
people hold into. The direction could be a positive or a negative direction.
Pathological liar lies about any thing (big or small) with out a benefit.
Compulsive liar lies to make them feel more comfortable. Telling the truth is awkward for them while lying feels right for them.
According to my research on studies conducted by various neurologists, I can say that based on the information provided within the question she picked up the vocabulary much more quickly because it is easier to relearn; that is, to learn the material for a second time. This is because most of the information is already stored in the brain and it just takes certain familiar stimulation to recall that information once again.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.