Its best to turn fractions into decimals so its easier to solve the problem, in order to do this you would divide the number on the top to the number on the bottom. Ex: 1 divide by 2 So the numerator divided by the denominator. The top of the faction is the numerator and the bottom of the faction is the denominator. So 1 divided by 2 = 0.5 you would replace 0.5 for the 1/2.
x = 15m
Step-by-step explanation:
The second triangle (large) is 3 times greater than the first triangle (small).
6 x 3 = 18 4 x 3 = 12 5 x 3 = x
5 x 3 is 15, so x is 15m
(2,3) is your answer for the equation
Hi there!
First we need to remember the following.
Now substitute both of the formulas.
Work out the parenthesis.
And finally collect terms.
~ Hope this helps you!
- 273 mL of 5%
- 117 mL of 15%
Step-by-step explanation:
Let q represent the quantity of 15% dressing used. Then the amount of 5% dressing is (390 -q). The amount of vinegar in the mix is ...
0.15q + 0.05(390 -q) = 0.08(390)
0.10q = 31.2 -19.5 = 11.7 . . . . . . subtract 0.05(390) and simplify
q = 117 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . multiply by 10
390-q = 273
The chef should use 273 mL of the first brand (5% vinegar) and 117 mL of the second brand (15% vinegar).
<em>Additional comment</em>
You may have noticed that the value of q is (0.08 -0.05)/(0.10 -0.05)×390. The fraction of the mix that is the highest contributor is the ratio of the difference between the mix value and least contributor, divided by the difference between the contributors: (8-5)/(15-5) = 3/10, the fraction that is 15% vinegar. This is the generic solution to mixture problems.