. Among all the women of this world you are God’s best design. You are the proof that the word “true love” is real. My love, my joy, my life, my sunshine, I will always cherish you. Good morning sweety!
Group learning
When you study with others, not only will you learn the concept, but anyone else that is studying with you will learn too.
This is a good idea, as it will improve test score.
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Efficiency wages may cause a <u>surplus</u> of labor because they are <u>above</u> the equilibrium wage.
The efficiency wage is higher than the equilibrium wage, which might result in a labor supply.
Since the efficiency wage in question is higher than equilibrium wages, there will be a labor surplus since more individuals will be eager to work as a result of the wage rise. Due to the fact that supply is more than demand, this will result in a rise in supply and an excess of labor.
There is a labor surplus in the sense that a sizeable segment of the work force produces less than it consumes and its marginal product is below the wage agreed upon via negotiation.
To learn more about equilibrium wages