Their subsistence was based on hunting, fishing, and the cultivation of corn they moved seasonally between fixed sites to exploit these food resources. The Nipmuc were divided into territorial bands, or groups of related families living in one or more villages; each village was ruled by a sachem, or chief.
The scientific method is the process in which, ideas in form of hypotheses, are tested against the real world through evidence which is obtained from observation of phenomena.
The scientific method is self correcting in the sense that, it involves coming up with an idea, then making an hypothesis, then making the observation which shall be tested against the idea. Further there is experimentation to confirm the validity of the hypothesis.
All of the above are testing mechanisms, that scientist use to provoke their idea with the real world facts, in the process, the idea might prove wrong and thereby shall have self corrected.
Scientific knowledge is cynical in the sense that, at each stage, we expect to prove the hypotheses wrong.
The system seeks to match pay to an employee's performance on the job I.e. how competently an employee is able to carry out their duties over a specific period. It's designed to enhance motivation. However. objectivity in appraisal poses a challenge.
The "natural" sciences reflect a secular, scientific worldview, while the "social" sciences are more humanistic and philosophical