The correct answer that would best complete the given statement above would be RACIAL DISPARITIES. <span>Widespread adoption of intermediate sanctions may further exacerbate racial disparities in prison populations. Intermediate sanctions is defined as </span><span>new punishment options developed to fill the gap between traditional probation and traditional jail or prison sentences </span>Hope this answers your question. Thanks for posting it.
Next morning, a rubber dinghy is spotted floating in a nearby lake.
<span>This is an example of respectful language. The use of this
language is gender unbiased and keeps away from stereotyping. Another instance
could be using the term flight attendant more willingly than stewardess and
server rather than waitress. These are instances of bias-free language alternatives.</span>
1. Experiment 2. idk. 3. Dependent Variable 4. idk. 5. Controlled Variable 6. Independent Variable 7. idk. 8. idk. 9. operation. 10. Evidence. 11. Hypothesis 12. idk. 13. Theory. 14. I'm not sure
Umm al-Nar culture' is the academic term used forthe civilisation in southeast Arabia that flourished between approximately 2500 BCE
and 2000BCE