A checking account is what you would use to make everyday purchases, and what you usually put the majority of your check into. Savings accounts are used to save money over periods of time. A percentage of your check may go in a savings account that you don't use.
The answer is: Owner is personally liable for all debts of the business.
Sole proprietorship is the oldest type of business, where a single person is the owner of a business.
Some of the advantages of sole proprietorship are:
- the simplest and most flexible business structure.
- owner has complete control and full decision making powers
- easy to close down the business
- profits are taxed at the owner´s tax rate
Some of the disadvantages of sole proprietorship are
owner is personally liable for all debts of the business
.- if the business goes bankrupt, usually the owner does also
- death or illness of the owner will lead to the end of the business.
- difficulties in raising capital from outside sources
The correct answer is all of the above
Scrap or the rework costs are the costs which is incurred in order to repair the items that are defective. And the decision to rework or scrap an item or product, ground on the benefits or advantage of the incremental costs.
If the reworked units generate or yield greater advantage or benefit rather than the selling them as scrap, then the decision to rework will be considered.
And if the decision of rework is taken, then the management should consider the incremental costs, revenue or profit from selling the defective units as scarp and the lost profit on selling and making the new units while the rework is performed.
<u>Predatory pricing</u>
A "predator" refers to an animal who survives by "preying" on other animals.
Predatory pricing in a similar sense refers to that form of excessively low pricing which in a way consumes other firms by taking away their share of industry revenues. Such form of pricing is considered illegal and is against healthy competition.
Such pricing eliminates competitors from the market and gradually leads to emergence of a monopoly i.e supremacy of a single firm in the whole industry and thus considered an illegal practice.
In the given case, the retail chain can be alleged to have followed predatory pricing which is substantiated by the fact that it cuts it's prices excessively i.e even below cost , thereby forcing smaller companies to exit the industry.
Detereation of muscle tissue causing weakness in the limb