Imperialism can operate in more subtle forms that are cultural as well as economic.
In general terms, imperialism is the extension of one country's influence into another. Sometimes this can be a conscious process like through diplomacy or military actions as the United States is said to be exercising imperialism in the Middle East in recent decades, but it can also occur in more subtle ways. Like the way that economies around the world are becoming more and more focused in consumerism like the Western model of a free market. Migrating to find work in this sense is not just economic imperialism, it is the product of cultural forces as well where the definition of a higher standard of living is tied to purchasing power and becoming a urban consumer.
People had fresh new healthy food to eat. Farming helps families prevent consuming pesticides which are harmful to your health. They can make you very ill.Growing your own fruits and vegetables avoids consuming pesticides and other toxic chemicals.Farmers also raise animals for consumption and avoid using antibiotics.
This stage is called the tentative period. The four stages of it are interest, capacity, values, and transition.
If someone has integrity they are honest, and have a strong sense of morality.