Perception of pitch and sound intensity is the cocklear
Promoter is located upstream and terminator is located downstream relative to the transcription start site.
Transcription start site is the site from where the transcription starts which is denoted by +1. The sequence of nucleotides which is present backword to them called upstream sequence and nucleotide sequence which is present in the forward direction of transcription start site are called downstream sequence.
Promoter sequences are present upstream to the transcription start site and are denoted with a minus sign and terminator sequence is present downstream to the transcription start site.
Actions happens after transcription ends is "An mRNA molecule leaves the nucleus of the cell."
Transcription is the process of formation of mRNA from DNA. DNA is the genetic material which carries all the information for the formation of mRNA and then protein. Transcription occurs in nucleus, but as soon as the mRNA is formed it unwinds from the template DNA stand and moves into the cytoplasm for the next process i.e. translation. Translation occurs nearer to the ribosomes, it is the formation of protein from mRNA strand. combinedly transcription and translation are referred as the central dogma of the molecular biology.
directional selection, is a mode of negative natural selection in which an extreme phenotype is favored over other phenotypes, causing the allele frequency to shift over time in the direction of that phenotype.
You should use the smallest unit rate any time accuracy is needed. For example, if you are administering dosages of vaccines, you should use the smallest syringe possible for the dosage. A smaller syringe will have more precise graduations than a larger one. The same holds true for glassware such as graduated cylinders. A 1000 ml graduated cylinder will probably not have a 5 ml graduation on it, and measuring out 5 ml with a cylinder that large would be guesswork at best. A 10 ml graduated cylinder, however, will have graduations for every 0.1 ml, and would be suitable for measuring small amounts of liquids.