Occupy movement could be explained through Durkheimn's Functionalism theory and Karl Marx's Conflict theory.
Studying collective behavior it could be stated that there is a collective conscience that condemns and punishes Occupy's actions and behaviors. Due to they could be considered deviant or criminal, offending this collective conscience, Durkheim would consider the Occupy movement as a "social fact". The movement would support Durkheim's theory as a social force because it is external to the individual.
This collective conscience can evolve to organic solidarity, and in the long run, there could be anomie, while the whole society no longer supports a collective consciousness in favor of what Wall Street stands for.
This change in collective conscience could be reflected in education, due to there would not be a single and unique collective conscience taught to all the students. This organic process derived from the division of labor is also shown on a full-range diversity of interests and, therefore, of interdependent students alienated from each other with singular perspectives about the Occupy movement.
Marx would support the last phenomenon as an example of a society splitting up into hostile classes facing each other. Alienation could be referred to as several students isolated from their society and competing among themselves. Another result of alienation is false consciousness, where beliefs, ideals or ideologies are not in the person's own best interest. These beliefs, ideas or ideologies are also present in an educational proposal that may not fit the individual's interests.
Answer: God keeps Adam in Garden of Eden in infantile (i.e. unconscious state). It means that Adam does not know what is good or bad and continues living total symbiosis with the God. Commiting sin (eating the apple from the tree of knowledge) and being expulsed from the garden he "is born", i.e. he becomes conscious. It means he becomes aware of his existence separate of the existence of God.
Lucifer (in the garden it is embodies in the snake) is a shadowy aspect of God, his left (sinister) hand whereas the Christ is good/light aspect of God. We can say that Lucifer (trans. "the one who carries the light, i.e. the one who enlightens things, who makes them conscious) is that part of divinity which split off (not integrated).
God is unconscious which is the reason why there is still an inter-play of light and dark. God becomes increasingly conscious precisely because of this interplay. God of the Old Testament is totally unconscious of his acts (perfectly visible in the Book of Job). Christ to fulfill his destiny and task here on the Earth needs Devil/Satan....without him there would be no Christ. It is like in the case of Prometheus ...he needs his adversary, Zeus...without his there would be no stealing of fire.
Explanation: Religions are products of human psyche. Unconscious of workings of psyche, old nations personified psychic powers as gods. So the good and the evil (enormously powerful forces within human psyche were personified as gods) were usually viewed as divine forces. Like that inner conflicts of the humankind were exteriorized.
Answer:I would tell the boss
Explanation:If I do not and this is later discovered and he probably mentions that I also knew about this or if is somehow found that I also knew about it , I will be an accessory to this crime.
Whether you are losing your house or you are in debt you have to atleast ask for assistance in a proper way than trying the illegal ways to get out of the messy situation .
in his theory of language acquisition, Chomsky argues that language acquisition is an innate ability tied to the structure of the brain. It is TRUE.
According to this view of language acquisition, children learn language because they want to interact with their environment and the outside world. As a result, language depends on and develops through social contact. According to the hypothesis, since our need to communicate led to the development of language, our choice of language is influenced by our social circles and the people we wish to interact. In essence, the theory contends that how quickly and well we learn to talk is greatly influenced by the environment we are exposed to as children. For instance, a baby raised by a single father will first learn the words "dada" or "baba" before learning the term "mama."
To know more about the theory of language acquisition, visit;