To see if they are trying to provide bias or persuade or be one-sided in their claims. Also to know what was their purpose of providing the evidence was for. The author put in the time and effort to create the source so what was his end goal to accomplish for the reader.
Feudalism was a European political system in which a lord owned all the land while vassals and serfs farmed it.
This statement highlights the democria and responsibility of the government to work for the people, if the population decides to do so.
With this phrase, Linconl stated that the American people were free and sovereign within the country, in the way that the founding fathers stipulated. This freedom allows everyone to be equal and the desire of each citizen to be met by the government, as a way of showing that the people are sovereign. For this reason, a war can be established, if that is the popular will within a country.
Hitler emphasized on taking land fast, so he created the Blitzkrieg, or lighting war. It relied on mobile units, or a mobilization army and limited artillery to create confusion and disrupt enemy front lights. This war strategy saved a lot of lives and was considered genius. The tactic worked extremely well on Poland, and eventually broke into France.