To convert a mixed number to an improper, first, multiply the denominator of the fraction and the whole number of the fraction. Then, add the numerator to the product of the denominator and the whole number. For example, 3 1/4. Multiply the 3 and 4 to get 12. Then add the one and you get 13. Lastly, take your sum (13 in this case) and put it over the original denominator (4) Your answer is 13/4. Hope that helps :)
Ok so say u have 3 2/4. 3 is ur whole number, 2 is ur numerator, and 4 is ur denominator. First: 2 3 — 4 U multiply 3 and 4 and get 12, now keep 12 in ur head, there is no need to write it down, unless u want u add 12+2 (2 is the numerator) which is 14. So ur whole number and numerator are now gone but ur denominator stays, it’s still 4, and now that ur old numerator is gone u replace it with 14 so u get 14/4. And there is ur improper fraction