Convert 3 6/2 to an improper fraction so: 12/2
convert 2 4/5 to 14/5
multiply the numerators of the improper fractions so 12*14, which is 168.
multiple the denominators so 2*5, which is 10.
the new fraction is 168/10, so you divide 168 divided by 10, which is 16.8, or 16 4/5.
So to do this you need to use subtraction to find it how many more calories he needs to burn 700. so you would do 700 - 604.3 to get an answer of 95.7! :)
Answer: First Option
a) exponential function going through point (0, 2) and ending up on the right
Step-by-step explanation:
Look at the attached image, the red line represents a function of the form:

Note that this function cuts to the axis and at the point (0, 1)
Also when x tends to ∞ f(x) tends to ∞ and when f(x) tends to -∞ then f(x) tends to zero.
If we perform the transformation
then the graph of y is equal to the graph of f(x) displaced 1 unit up. Then the new cutting point with the axis y will be: (0, 2) as shown in the attached image (blue line)
The transform function is 
Finally the answer is the first option
The answer is A
if you add them all together, there are 15 employees, and only 5 have at least 10 years of experience. 5/15 simplifies to 1/3