It would be an example of repressed memory
Repressed memory is psychological phenomenon in which memories of traumatic events which someone experienced while growing up may be stored in the unconscious mind and blocked from normal conscious recall.
Just like Ned claims that he had no memories of his parents ever fighting, he simply blocked those painful memories inorder not to remember them knowing fully well what it is- <em>a very painful memory.</em>
Answer:d. reliability.
Explanation:Research reliability refers to the fact that a research method yield stable and consistent outcome.
This means the same method can be used multiple times but still produce the same outcome such as when a professor asks the same question twice but only changing the structure of the question.
The way that democrats explains the lower turnout would be : There were very low levels of opposition in the Democratic party compared to the republican one
Which means that dmeocratic's candidate will tend to appeal to the states that support Democratic agenda , such as minimum wage or Carbon Tax.
b) Data converted into a meaningful and useful context.
Information described by the Merriam Webster dictionary is “the communication or reception of knowledge and intelligence. Knowledge obtained from investigation, study or instruction”. Information described by the Cambridge Dictionary is “news, facts, or knowledge”. Inferring on these two meanings, we could state that the correct answer is the letter (b). Information is a collection of data converted into a meaningful and useful context.