I'm not sure what answer you need for this question?
original price: 259
sale: 55% off
so 259×0.55=142.45
142.45 is the 55% of the original price
116.55 is the price after sale.
hope this would help. (*^ω^*)/
Okay I get some of them, your first one - 1 I disagree with. So we can solve with two points by using a equation y2-y1 over x2-x1. So it's 4-8 over - 3-6 with the numerator being - 4 and the denominator being - 9. Any questions on how to solve for slope with two coordinates.
In f(x) = 3x + 2, the x is being represented in the function. So, if we replace the x with the g(x) functions, we get:
f(g(x)) = 3(2x - 4) + 2
f(g(x)) = 6x - 12 + 2
f(g(x)) = 6x - 10