A market economy is an economic system in which the decisions regarding investment,productions and distribution are guided by the price signals created by the forces of supply and demand
Both used private trading companies to create their empires.
- The centers of the Portuguese empire was formed in 1510 and was captured by the Arab at goa, as an island harbor halfway up the western Indian coasts which was the Portuguese colony for nearly 460 years.
- Most of the Portuguese shipments of the pepper and the ginger that originated from the Malabar Coast of the India. The dutch official formed the West India Company and was a mega-corporation formed by them in the 17th century with the dutch had a monopoly and conducted activity of the inter Asia trade.
- And it was chartered company to trade and it used to import 50 to 80% of the textiles. While the company of the British the east India company set up in 1657 and was the brainchild of the dutch with the company acquiring the trading ports and safeguarding its territories.
People cannot see you unless you are looking that way. So honking your horn can attract attention causing eye contact. Use to help prevent crash. Helpful to communicate with other drivers.