They believed in many gods and goddesses, associated with nature.
American people generally believe that the ideals of the founding fathers are the best ideals because of things such as democracy, unalienable rights, the constitution with its amendments, and similar things. Whenever someone would show up who would claim otherwise that person would be accused of being a traitor or a spy or something similar. This was especially important during the red scare when they tried to fight communists in the US more than anything else.
By the 1890's Americans were sick and tired of their 1870 and prior image of being just backwoods farmers staying at home from the world. Americans in the 1890's were conscious of the great power of American industry, wealth, inventions, natural resources and wanted to take their place among the great powers of the world. They were aware of all the great progress America had made in every field.
<span>A new political movement the progressives wanted even more progress and aimed at the future to make America 'great'. This was the motivation for the new foreign policy. Examples: kicking Spain out and taking Cuba,(1898), buying Panama and building the American Panama Canal there (1904). President Theodore Roosevelt building the 1st mighty US Navy (1901-1909).</span>
<span>"Shouting fire in a crowded theater"</span><span> is a popular </span>metaphor<span> for speech or actions made for the principal purpose of creating unnecessary panic. The phrase is a paraphrasing of </span>Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.<span>'s </span>opinion<span> in the </span>United States Supreme Court<span> case </span>Schenck v. United States<span> in 1919, which held that the defendant's speech in opposition to the </span>draft<span> during </span>World War I<span> was not protected </span>free speech<span> under the </span>First Amendment<span> of the </span>United States Constitution<span>.</span>