For the following reports about statistical studies, identify the following items (if possible). If you can't tell, then say so-
this often happens when we read about a survey. (i) The population: the soil around the former industrial waste dump
(ii) The parameter of interest: the mean level of toxic chemicals in the soil
(iii) The sample: the 20 soil samples
(iv) The sample statistic: the mean level of toxic chemicals in the 20 soil samples.
The Environmental Protection Agency took soil samples at 16 locations near a former industrial waste dump and checked each for evidence of toxic chemicals. They found no elevated levels of any harmful substances.
Bias: Uncertain if soil samples were randomly chosen
Step-by-step explanation:
The above answer explanation can be more clear by understanding that the population is the soil around the former waste dump and the samples are 16 which were taken from EPA.In report, the method is unclear too.