its plot!!
i took the quiz, and plot is correct!
There are a couple of things that I paid attention to in order to determine if a certain behavior is appropriate.
<u>1. Developing awareness on the situation.</u>
Before deciding how to behave, I will try to understand the context of the social situation that I'm in and act accordingly. For example, I personally consider myself an easy going person who joke a lot. But I wouldn't do it if imp in the middle of serious meeting.
<u>2. Gauging your relationship with other people near you during the situation.</u>
If you're around friends/families that are closed to you, their tolerance for your behavior tend to be really high. They wouldn't get offended easily even if other people might think your behavior is inappropriate.
<u>3. Unintended consequences.</u>
Rather than focusing only own my own goals, I tend to pay a lot of attention to potential consequences that I caused other people through my behavior. For example, I might make fun one of my friends for being fat jokingly. But iF I stop and think about the consequences of that remark, it couple potentially cause a damage to my friend's self-esteem. so I tend to choose to avoid that type of behavior.
El arte egipcio siempre fue ante todo funcional. No importa cuan hermosa sea una estatua, su proposito era servir como hogar para un espiritu o un dios.
B. False Assumption
False Assumption: this is a term that describes the type of barriers to effective listening. This type of barrier occurs, when the information or message receiver assumed that the communication is the sole responsibility of the sender or the speaker, while receiver has no role to play.
In other words, it is the assumption that the receiver does not required to be active in listening, giving feedback or ask questions relating to point of discuss.
Other types of Listening barriers includes but not limited to the following:
1. Physiological barriers: this relates to mind, or absence of mind to the information being passed.
2. Physical barriers: e.g environment noise
3. Attitudinal barrier: such as work related or egocentrism
4. Lack of training
5. Gender barriers
The problem identified in the passage above is lack of suitable, up to date print reference materials in the school library and acute shortage of computer systems for students' use. The lack of necessary library resources is very frustrating for the students and is affecting their grades negatively.