The Help America Vote Act of 2002 was passed to:
1.Create a new federal agency to serve as a clear house for election administration information.
2. Providing funds to states to improve election administration and replace outdated voting systems.
3. Creating minimum standards for states to follow in several key areas of election administration.
Four Provisions:
1. Replace all lever-operated and punch-card voting devices by 2006
2. Upgrade their administration of elections (Better Training)
3. Centralize and computerize their voter registration system to facilitate the ID of qualified voters on election day.
4. Provide for provisional voting, so a person for provisional voting, so a person whose eligibility to vote has been challenged can cast a ballot that will be counted if it is found that he/she is qualified to vote.
The crusades were attempts to take back the holy land by the catholic church while tyring to spread their religion at the smae time
Very True The Real Plymouth Rock Is Cracked.
The answer is both. We believe that Jesus came down from heaven to die for our sins, (messiah) and that Jesus is the son of God.