No, stereopsis is the perception of depth produced by the reception in the brain of visual stimuli from both eyes in combination. So it's false
The bedbugs began to die, but then they mutated to become immune to the chemical being used on them, so then they were able to regain their population. Most of the time, in order to get rid of bedbugs, people just burn their mattress' because bedbugs mutate and become immune fast becase their life cycle is so short.
The answer to this definition is: ACTION POTENTIAL
Action potential is a phenomenon in nervous system used to describe a change in electrical current that occurs when an impulse passes through a neuron or nerve cell. Action potential is induced when sodium (Na+) ions move from the extracellular environment into the intracellular environment.
Impulse travels across the axon of a neuron and thereby causes a difference in the electric potential i.e. - mv to + mv. This process, according to this question, whereby a change in electrical potential occurs due to the passage of an impulse through a nerve cell is termed ACTION POTENTIAL.
Answer: A. ,C.
Explanation: It's in the food chain and constantly need's water.