The answer is identify and define
occurs when two bones slide across one another, such as in the intercarpal joints.
This question is not clear, but I think I understand what you are asking. The difference between alleles of a gene is that some alleles may be dominant or recessive. If one gene has more dominant alleles than another, than it will be more visible.
Atmospheric refraction raises the sun about 1/2 degrees upward in our sky at both sunrise and sunset. This advances the time of actual sunrise, while delaying the time of actual sunset. This gives several minutes of extra daylight, not just at an equinox.
Question is which is NOT a good technique.
Answer is "B" and here's why:
A) Clear questions -- good. People understanding the question will answer accurately.
C) Large sample size -- good. Answers will be more accurate with more people asked (like if you flip a coin 1,000 times its going to be closer to 50% heads than if you only flipped it twice)
D) Random sample -- good. Avoids your own bias in choosing who to ask.
B) Push poll -- bad. Pretends to be unbiased, the pollster's real objective is to get a person thinking in a way that is to their advantage. Some political candidates do this just before elections.