The correct actions are: A, Turned toward isolationist policy regarding foreign relations; C, Signed treaties to form alliance with Germany; and D, Sign treaties to limit naval arms. After WW1 and the Great Depression, Americans and its government started an isolationist policy, mainly because of fear of revenge on part of their enemies. The American people did not want to be involved with any foreign relations or political processes. The Treaty of Berlin was signed between the United States and Germany on august 25th, 1921, after WW1. This treaty was signed because the original intent was not met, which was to sign the multilateral peace Treaty of Versailles, how it was known, but never passed by the U.S Senate. In the year 1922, the Washington Naval Treaty was signed, after the end of WW1, and was signed by the United Kingdom, the U.S.A, Japan, France and Italy, and It limited the construction of battleships, and other naval-type constructions. However, there were no treaties to limit territorial expansion on behalf of the United States. In 1845, Journalist John L. O´Sullivan had written an essay titled Annexation in the Democratic Review. In this essay, John explained that the annexation of the Republic of Texas was not only right, but it was ¨our manifest destiny to overspread the continent.¨ which meant expanding from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. For that reason, it does not match the time with the limit in territorial expansion.
One thing to know is that after the rejection of the Treaty of Versailles, and after the U.S. Senate not approving such treaty, the U.S never joined the League of Nations, which later on in 1945 became the United Nations. At last but not least, the containment of communism ideology was a geopolitical strategy first used by the U.S diplomat George F. Kennan after WW2 in the Harry S. Truman Presidency, which was not influenced by the rejection of the Treaty of Versailles or was it following such event.