This quote by Presidential candidate Donald Trump in 2016 reveals his stance as an originalist.
Originalists seek that interpretation of a written constitution should be consistent with what was meant by those who originally wrote it and ratified it. This is a minority point of view amongst originalists because they think that if Congress followed that interpretation it could do almost nothing unless the Constitution explicitly gave it the authority.
The Fed can use four tools to achieve its monetary policy goals: the discount rate, reserve requirements, open market operations, and interest on reserves. ... Higher rates discourage lending and spending by consumers and businesses. Discount rate changes are made by Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors.
Decreasing the discount rate.
Purchasing government securities.
Reducing the reserve ratio.
Explanation: enjoy
Family resemblance (German: Familienähnlichkeit) is a philosophical idea made popular by Ludwig Wittgenstein, with the best known exposition given in his posthumously published book Philosophical Investigations (1953).[1] It argues that things which could be thought to be connected by one essential common feature may in fact be connected by a series of overlapping similarities, where no one feature is common to all of the things. Games, which Wittgenstein used as an example to explain the notion, have become the paradigmatic example of a group that is related by family resemblances. It has been suggested that Wittgenstein picked up the idea and the term from Nietzsche, who had been using it, as did many nineteenth century philologists, when discoursing about language families.[2]
Popular Will is a political party in Venezuela founded by former Mayor of Chacao, Leopoldo López, who is its national co-ordinator.
constitution be written as per the will and aspiration of the people because a country is all about the people and it's the duty for those in government positions to put the needs of the people first before anything