it break the nation by poor ness.... some people were very poor they no enough pound to buy breads..
Judges may use a range of INTERMEDIATE sanctions. An example includes intensive supervision probation.
What ever amendment does:
1) 6th amendment- This guarantees citizens the right to a public trial, the right to a lawyer, right to have a jury of their peers, and the right to know what charges are being put against you. All of these are imperative, as it gives each citizen equal treatment in the eyes of the law.
2) 7th amendment- This guarantees a right to a civil trial in any case in which the object in question is valued at over $20. In this case, there would be a jury. This ensures that any damage to a person's property may be ruled on in court.
3) 8th amendment- This protects citizens against excessive bail. This ensures that citizens are not held for an unfair amount of money. The crime dictates how much bail should be for the individual.
Hope this helps! God bless
c) durable power of attorney
A major step in reunifying the kingodms in Spain was the fact that Ferdinand and Isabella were married - c.
This brought together two major factions which were active and important political players in Spain and made Spain a kingdom which was more united than before.