You know you need to rename a mixed number to subtract when the numbers involved have different denominators. In such a case. The lowest common multiple of the denominators will be calculated subsequent used to adequately rename the mixed numbers before subtraction can be done
To answer this, you need to know the general form of an absolute value function. the equation for this is f(x<span>) = </span>a|x<span> - </span>h<span>| + </span>k, and in this equation, the vertex is (h, k).
with that information, you can see that your vertex will be (-5, 7). you must take the negative for 5 because the general equation states that your h value is usually subtracted from x. to check your vertex, try plugging it into your general equation:
f(x) = a|x - (-5)| + 7
f(x) = a|x + 5| + 7 ... you see that this matches your given equation. this last part here was just to show why your 5 must be negative; your answer is bolded.
Step-by-step explanation:
let's take out the parenthesis
Now put 11 on the other side
Then make z positive
5th term: -10
Step-by-step explanation:
To find the nth term in the sequence, you can substitute n into the equation:
d(n) = 6 - 4(n - 1)
Since we want the 5th term, we substitute 5:
d(5) = 6 - 4(5 - 1)
d(5) = 6 - 4(4)
d(5) = 6 - 16
d(5) = -10