These are the steps to creating a healthy argumentive essay.
Step 1 - Introduction. In the introductory paragraph, you need to present your subject and state your opinion clearly. ...
Step 2 - Main Body. In the body of your essay, you need to support your thesis statement. ...
Step 3 - Conclusion.
सवाल अस्पष्ट है क्या आप कृपया प्रश्नों को स्पष्ट रूप से बता सकते हैं
Transcendentalism was a philosophical movement that held its ground in America for a good half a century. As the believers of this movement were against organised religion and believed that knowledge can be gained with the power of contemplating about the spirit and soul. The transcendentalists were against all kinds of social evils and unjust attitudes that prevailed in the American society at that time. Similarly the problem of slavery and woman emancipation for example greatly irked them. Because transcendentalism found its place only in literature and became a literary movement, the followers of this movement could not really solve the problems but they did voice them in their work, hoping it will open people's eyes.
Science fiction – a genre of fiction dealing with the impact of imagined innovations in science or technology, often in a futuristic setting. or depicting space exploration. Exploring the consequences of such innovations is the traditional purpose of science fiction, making it a "literature of ideas".
Her smile is fake. She was somewhere else in her head. She is detached from the situation. The audience thinks that she is delighted to be dancing in front of them. This is about who she is and who she presents herself to be to others. It is really all in the audience's mind that she is enjoying herself. She is very unhappy. It can be really difficult to look at how things are and then trying to understand someone's inner thoughts and self.
The audience is almost predatory and she is graceful and wants to contain her dignity. The speaker in the poem is also pointing to the injustice of society and how she is being dehumanized. Harlem was a poor and mostly black neighborhood. She could get a job there and took it so she can afford to live.
This poem is really about social justice and how these young girls are exploited
I did not write your essay, but I know that you can do it with this information :)