This is possible by having different stem cells for different types of cells which then have different genes activated to make cells different
Neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, epinephrine are important at a neuron-neuron junction called synapses. When an impulse reaches the end of one neuron, at the synapse, it causes the release of neurotransmitters from synaptic vesicle that diffuse across the synapse and when they bind to their reports on the other end. An impulse is then generated on the subsequent neuron that travels down the axon to the next synapse.
Metabolic syndrome as the name implies is a cluster of metabolic related risk factors that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, although metabolic syndrome can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, it can also increase the risk of type -2 diabetes mellitus. Examples of thee clusters of risk factors are elevated blood pressure, dyslipidemia etc.
Scientist disputes the claim that the Loch Ness monster exists beyond folklore because no one has truly seen them. Loch Ness monster in Scottish folklore is a monster that resides in the Scottish highlands in Scotland.
Scientists follow methods to substantiate a claim. A body of evidence must be available to justify an observation in the scientific realm.
No clearcut picture of the monster has been taken.
The monster is merely a folklore myth just like dragons.
Science does not work with hearsay and claims that cannot be substantiated and proven.
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Abnormal tissue growth on a mucous membrane.