Critical periods
Some aspects of development, such as prenatal development and language development, are closely tied to criticak periods, which are periods during which a child is maximally sensitive to environmental influences.
A critical period may last for months or even years and i is normally the time in which the developing child is particularly responsive to certain forms of experience or particularly hindered by their absence. A good example is the fact that children in the period 6-18 months are particularly sensitive to how they are being taken care of and that this is the time when they must develop their core attachment to their parents. Other periods may be particularly important for intellectual or linguistic development, for example the period 12-30 months when language develops so rapidly.
American Indian and Native American
Chip Puller
An electronic assembly is a general term for the assembly of electronic parts in a machine component. It contains various small electronics parts.
A chip puller tool is also called as an IC extractor or module extractor. It is a tool which is used for quickly and safely removing the module or the integrated circuit module from the sockets.
The main use of the chip puller is to prevent damage to the module and ensure safely removal of the module.
Hence the answer is -- chip puller.
Authoritarian personalities were found to be associated with intolerance by Adorno. Authoritarian personality is a perspective or state of mind portrayed by faith in total dutifulness or accommodation to one's own particular specialist, and additionally the organization of that conviction through the persecution of one's subordinates.