At the cellular level indicate that the living organisms are made up of the smallest building blocks called cell. It refer to unicellular organisms i.e organism with one cell.
At the cellular level, membranes; for the whole organism, the skin is Reproduction because a single parent cell divides into two cells (offsprings), two divides into four cells and so on. It is called cell division and cell reproduction because a single cell skin divides to produce many cells.
Label the following topographic map. Click on a label below the map to select it, and then click on the appropriate box on the map to place the label. (Increments for contour lines is 50 feet).
River Flow East
2650 feet
Sleep Area
The father determines if its male or female. So the father is the carrier and the allele is on the Y chromosome.
Option C
In elephant seals, the male arrive the beach first and start establishing its territory. Once their territory is established female elephant seals starts arriving at the beach and prefer mating with the male who can defend their territory or females in his territory from other males. All females in the territory of specific male mate with the male give birth to their pups and after staying for few months move back into the water.
hence, option C is correct