The normal force(the force pushing up from a flat surface) is equal to the force of gravity (the force pushing down on the object) at 5N so they cancel each other out. The other two forces are going in opposite directions, one positive and one negative. Subtracting 10N-5N would give you the amount of force that is not canceled (5N) in the direction of the biggest force (to the left)
What is the difference between formal and informal language?
Formal and informal language serve different purposes. The tone, the choice of words and the way the words are put together vary between the two styles. Formal language is less personal than informal language. It is used when writing for professional or academic purposes like university assignments. Formal language does not use colloquialisms, contractions or first person pronouns such as ‘I’ or ‘We’.
Informal language is more casual and spontaneous.
Make the learning fun.
Use bright colors and large numbers, use symbolism as well (Show 2 Cookies, then put in one more cookie, then ask how many cookies are now there), and offer rewards to encourage the student and make it a good experience.
Florida mothers against the steel lunchboxes