paleoclimatologists use different sources of information from fossils in order to record past climate and environmental conditions (for example, tree rings or skeletons of coral reefs)
Paleoclimatology is the discipline that studies ancient climate and environmental conditions. Paleoclimatologists are researchers that analyze different sources of evidence to obtain accurate records of past climate conditions. In this regard, the fossil record has proven to be a useful tool to obtain such information. For example, the rings of fossilized trees are usually wider during warm and wet years, while these rings become thinner during cold and dry years. Moreover, geochemical records from the skeletons of fossil corals (composed of calcium carbonate) are good indicators of past climate conditions because coral growth is sensitive to small fluctuations in water temperature. Paleoclimatologists also use non-biological climate indicators (e.g., sediments and ice sheets) to reconstruct past climate and environmental conditions.
The professor Bonefinder has made a mistake.
I't is true the Hominoid had a long snout, a large orbits that are partially enclosed, but they have no tail. This point is really critical because the morphology of an species is really important. The taxonomists use the information that morphology gave for many years to identify species, nowadays with molecular techniques some of those species are pulled apart, but the important matter is that hominoids had no tail.
So the professor Bonefinder analysis is incorrect because the hominoids have no tail.
Answer: B is an unsaturated fatty acid
I think it is called the METAMORPHIC ROCK.
It formed not only when the pressure changes but also with the heat.
Good luck :)
a) i) Xylem
ii) Upper epidermis
iii) Stoma
iv) Chroloplast
v) Palisade cell layer
b) By a waxy layer on the cuticle of the leaf
The plant's leaves have a large surface area that is capable of absorbing sunlight. The plant's waxy layer in the surface of the leaf protects it from the loss of water, as well as of diseases caused by the entry of microorganisms. The palisade cell's surface is a single layer of cells underneath the upper epidermis that is adapted to absorb light energy.
The waxy layer is a primary physical barrier composed of insoluble polymers and lipids whose function is to protect the leaves against the entry of harmful organisms including virus, bacteria and fungus. Moreover, the plant's waxy cuticle is also a barrier that prevents the loss of water and solutes.