As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, this bear overeats and stores food as fat to get ready for hibernation.
When hibernate, bears will keep sleeping so they won't get any food from outside so they need to collect the food before hibernating. They have to eat more food than usual and stored it as fat to keep them from starving. The fats also help keep them warm as they are insulating the heat.
Protein: 3. This folded amino acid chain is genetically encoded and performs specific functions in the cell.
DNA: 1. This series of nucleotides encodes proteins.
Chromatin: 4. This substance is made up of fibers that are formed in the nucleus by supercoiling genetic material.
Histones: 2. These proteins regulate transcription and modifications of genetic material.
When a volcano erupts , a mixture of gases and particles is released into the air . The cooling influence of an individual volcano will dominate for the period immediately after the eruption but the warming impact will last much longer.
Eukaryotes are larger cells with membrane-bounded organelles. Prokarotes are not that large and do not have a nucleus or any memberane-bound organelles.
mutation, recombination, and immigration of genes.