<span>treat the patient to the best of his or her ability and provide care that a reasonable, prudent person with similar training would provide under similar circumstances.</span>
Electronic health records are a newer technology, inconveniently, physicians are taught during their residency to use paper pencil charting with very little orientation to ehr. they should be instructed that ehr is available immediately and most files do not require faxing. it is also greener for the environment and takes up less space.
Redan små mängder alkohol gör att du får sämre omdöme, tankeförmåga, minne och reaktionsförmåga. Du sover sämre och känslorna påverkas. Vid mycket hög och långvarig konsumtion krymper hjärnan och du kan drabbas av epileptiska anfall, demens eller andra hjärnsjukdomar.
Line of scrimmage is the imaginary line that separates the offense and defense