1.In the section Mark 7:31-8:26 there are two healing miracles unique to Mark.
2.Parables usually have one main point. Our understanding of a parable and its details should all flow from the main point (or points). This is a crucial step, because the main point of the parable is the reason Jesus said it in the first place!
3.Because he believed so firmly in the new Christian movement, he wanted to write a gospel that set forth its essential truth in the best possible manner. ... The purpose of this gospel, as stated by John himself, is to show that Jesus of Nazareth was Christ, the Son of God, and that believers in him might have eternal life.
Explanation: sorry if number two is wrong
My name is ___ I like to read.
I like playing basketball with my friends on rainy days.
My friend like pizza sushi and burritos.
My name is ___ , I like to read.
I like playing basketball with my friends, on rainy days.
My friend like pizza, sushi and burritos.
Easy meat wool and fertilizer that’s all i know