In the picture to the right iron filings have been sprinkled around a bar magnet. The iron filings outline the magnetic field lines, making it visible. Magnetic fields all have a pair of "poles", from which "lines of force" or magnetic field lines appear to originate.
I believe the answer is: D. performing charitable work for the African American community
United Negro Improvement Association was created in order to improve the quality of lives for African American citizens in united states, which might be stunted due to having to face centuries of slavery, racial segregation, and years of racial discrimination.
One of their main program is providing poor African American students with scholarship to pursue their education.
The slowdown in learning new information has been linked to changes in working memory,...
Working memory, as the name suggests, is what allows us to work with information. It stores information temporarily so that we can manage it when trying to carry out complex cognitive tasks. For instance, solving problems, learning, reasoning, comprehending texts and spoken language, all require employing our working memory. It can be compared to a workbench that allows us to handle/manipulate information.
John Garcia was an American psychologist very well-known for his researches that focused on taste aversion in rats and for discovering conditioning taste aversion. Taste aversion is often developed after having a drink or food that causes nausea, vomiting or sickness afterwards. Garcia challenged the idea that:
- any association can be learned equally well.
- conditioning takes place in an even faster and stronger manner when the conditioned stimulus is ecologically relevant.
Therefore, the ability to develop a taste aversion works as a survival mechanism. And, regardless of the taste of the food, sights and sounds, ones can tricky themselves into not liking the taste simply because they relate sickness with it.