Representative democracy.
Representative democracy refers to a system where the people govern through the election of parties or representatives with decision-making rights. Representative democracy can also be seen as a collective term for a number of democratic models. Common to these, however, is that the core consists of regularly recurring elections between competing representatives. People's sovereignty is achieved by the citizens influencing the government by voting in these elections. It is by far the most widespread method of exercising authoritative and legitimate control, demanding responsibility and developing debate in modern democracies.
Net Pay = Gross Pay - Federal Income Tax - FICA-SS Tax - FICA-Medicare Tax
Net Pay = $8,260.00 - $1,325.17- $512.12 - $119.77* = $6,302.94
Adjusted Cash Balance at 31 August 2022 = 9654
Bank Reconciliation Statement at August 31, 2022
Cash Balance as per Bank August 31, $7338
Add: Deposit in Transit $3010
<u>Deduct: Outstanding Checks ($694 )</u>
<u>Adjusted Cash Balance $9,654</u>
<u />
Cash Balance as per books, August 31, $7374
Add: Receivable collected by bank $2326
<u>Less:Bank Service Charges ($46) </u>
<u>Adjusted Cash Balance $9,654 </u>
<u />
<span>The two basic sources of stockholders' equity are paid-in capital and retained earnings. Stockholders' equity is represented by the equity stake that is held on the books by a firm's equity investors. Paid-in capital is the amount of money (capital) that is paid in by the </span>investors when common or preferred stock being issued. Retained earnings are shown as a percentage of the net earnings that are not paid out as dividends but kept in the corny to be reinvested.