La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó incluir el mapa. Sin el mapa, no podemos ayudarte. No sabemos qué es lo que describe el mapa.
Sin embargo, con la idea de ayudarte, podemos comentarte lo siguiente en términos generales deseando que te sirva de algo.
Las zonas de protección ambiental, ganadería y agricultura tienen que ser perfectamente especificadas en los mapas para que la gente y los desarrolladores urbanos las respeten y no quieran pasar por encima de las leyes y edificar construcciones en lugares que están protegidos.
Para ello, las Secretarias de Medio Ambiente o los Departamentos de Conservación de Recursos Naturales, deben estar vigilando constantemente esas zonas protegidas porque de lo contrario, los desarrolladores urbanos comienzan la tala de árboles y la invasión de tierras ecológicamente protegidas.
Through research, those leaders could obtain various important data, such as:
- The trend of type of illness which most healthcare users are treated for
- Latest drugs/methods that are reliable to give to the healthcare receivers
- The economic condition in the nation that might influence the state of average ctizens,
All these new information would definitely help the leaders in making the best decision and make them better leaders.
John Garcia was an American psychologist very well-known for his researches that focused on taste aversion in rats and for discovering conditioning taste aversion. Taste aversion is often developed after having a drink or food that causes nausea, vomiting or sickness afterwards. Garcia challenged the idea that:
- any association can be learned equally well.
- conditioning takes place in an even faster and stronger manner when the conditioned stimulus is ecologically relevant.
Therefore, the ability to develop a taste aversion works as a survival mechanism. And, regardless of the taste of the food, sights and sounds, ones can tricky themselves into not liking the taste simply because they relate sickness with it.
Conditioned Stimulus.
If it is wrong, let me know, and I will try again.
A because Rome was in a good place so they had a lot of resources