Beak shape/size or song or behavior or mechanical/chemical differences or time of mating or location on the island or primary food source differs between the Big Bird lineage and G. fortis.
Also acceptable: Description of another mechanism that prevents males and females from different populations from encountering each other/recognizing each other as potential mates.
Scientist, a fact is something that can be tested by anyone with the proper skill and equipment, and that repeatedly and reliably gives the same result every time. A scientific theory is a body of knowledge based on facts that describes their interaction in the simplest possible way
The geosphere or geosphere is the internal and solid part of the Earth that is composed of three concentric layers called crust, mantle and nucleus. Without the geosphere, human beings cannot live on the planet, since there is no solid ground. In the Earth's geosphere are rocks, minerals, magma, sand and mountains.
This layer interacts with the other layers of the earth system, including the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, and is in a state of constant motion; Sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks within the Earth's geosphere undergo continuous recycling.
It is said that the Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago from the collision of meteoric debris that created the solar system. Due to the constant collisions during its formation, the initial temperature of the planet was extremely high; It was all molten matter.
But during the next phase of Earth's formation there was a cooling, and with it, the differentiation of the Earth's layers. Dense materials sank in the center, forming a core rich in iron and nickel. The lighter magma rose to the surface, forming the thickest layer of the Earth called the mantle.
Eventually, the outermost magma cooled to form the thin layer we call Earth's crust.
Photosynthesis is the process plants use to convert energy from the sun into usable energy for their cells. Plants use the light energy of the sun, carbon dioxide, and water to make glucose (a sugar), and oxygen. The energy of the sun is captured and stored in the bonds between atoms in glucose molecules.