Answer: You can compare Desert and rainforest
They are two very different ecosystems so it won;t be hard to compare them.
The living material that lines the inside of one's cheek is mucous membrane
In addition to endocrine glands, some organs whose functions are primarily nonendocrine also produce hormones. these endocrine tissues include heart and kidneys.
The heart can act as an endocrine organ by releasing natriuretic peptides that lower the blood pressure. Those are an A-type natriuretic peptide (ANP) from the from stretched atria and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) from the ventricles.</span>
The kidney secretes two hormones: erythropoietin (EPO) which increase the production of red blood cells and calcitriol (active vitamin D3) which promotes the absorption of Ca and its release from the bones.</span>
1. rise of angiosperms
2. rise of chemoautotrophs and photoautrophs
3. rise of multicellularity
4. rise of bryophytes
5. rise of gymnosperms
6. rise of eukaryotes
7. rise of cyanobacteria
(C.) using solar panels for heat
k 12 quiz