As time was elapsing, Chase was becoming fluent in the futile language. He had no purpose in learning German but his parents harassed him into it. Sure, his family was German and they visited once a year but they always spoke English when they were there. The whole ordeal irked Chase but he couldn't let his persistent parents down, their wishes not being granted was lethal to Chase as he just wanted to please them. But he continued to be evasive to the task.
if you mean something sweet it's definetely chocolate !
especially hershey's kisses, they're my favorite
The first choice.
When using indirect characterization, an author does not state direct facts about a person's character, but rather describes the personality through verbal actions and gestures.
Selma keeping her eyes glue to the ground tells us that she is somewhat timid. Knowing that she avoids eye contact completely, even when someone talks to her, lets us know that Selma is shy to an extreme and perhaps antisocial.
Page is to book as tree is to forest.
A. Medieval Europe
Think about the setting and characters present in Shrek or Rapunzel (if we want to think fictional stories/fairytales), where there are towns that surround a main kingdom/castle.