They lives a busy life.
Leaders do their job every day by setting a goal and then apply full struggle in order to complete the goal in a limited time. The leaders has the ability to manage the time effectively and do more work in a limited time. They are the piece of inspiration and motivation for their teammates and other people. They lives a very busy life and work to serve its people.
Birth control pills cannot prevent sexually transmitted diseases, they are most effective to prevent pregnancy.
A<span>ssess apical and radial pulses, noting rate, quality, and rhythm. Pulse quality and volume are not assessed in this instance</span>
Answer: Third-order neurons
Third-order neurons in the thalamus, brainstem, and midbrain project to the central nervous system, which allows pain perception and interpretation.
Also, the limbic and reticular tracts are activated by third-order neurons, resulting in arousal and emotional responses to pain.
When stimulated, nociceptors (first-order neurons) in the skin, muscles, joints, arteries, and viscera transmit pain impulses to the spinal cord.
Second-order neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord transmit the pain impulse to higher brain areas via spinal pathways.
The thalamus is the primary relay station for pain impulses.